Friday, December 24, 2010

Editors in linux and window also

  • gedit  is the official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment.
  • jedit
  • vi/vim/gvim
  • idle
  • emacs
  • Notepad++

Thursday, December 2, 2010


There are two modes

1.      Command mode (access with [Esc])

2.      Insertion mode (accessed with 'I')


1.      :w newfilename  (save the file to filename)

2.      :wq or :x  (save and quit)

3.      :X            ( for encryption)

4.      :q!            (quit without saving)

Search & move:

1.      :%s/old/NEW/g    (search and repalce every occurence)

2.      /string             (search forward for string)

3.      ?string             (search back for string)

4.      n            (search for next instance of string)

5.      N           (search for previous instance of string)

6.      {            (move a paragraph back)

7.      }            (move a paragraph forward)

8.      1G         (move to the first line of the file)

9.      nG         (move to the nth line of the file)

10.  G           (move to the last line of the file)

Delete copy paste text:

1.      dd        (cut current line)

2.      dw       (cut current word)

3.      D         (cut to the end of the line)

4.      X         (deelte or cut the character)

5.      yy        (copy line after cursor)

6.      yw        (copy word after cursor)

7.      p           (paste after cursor)

8.      u           (undo last modfication)

9.      U           (undo all changes to current line)