Sunday, July 17, 2011

Linux OS Version That Matter For Hackers

  1.  Backtrack linux
  2.  network security toolkit
  3.  knoppix-STD
  4.  pentoo
  5.  Auditor linux
  6.  Phlak   (professional hackers linux Assault kit)
  7.  operator
  8.  Matriux linux
  9.  helix linux
  10.  F.I.R.E linux
  11.  nubuntu
  12.  DEFT (Digital Evidence and Forensic toolkit)
  13.  Whax
  14.  linspire
  15.  Extra-knoppix 
  16.  L.A.S linux 
Auditor and Backtrack are mainly for Wireless hacking,
  Phlak for general web hacking (server hacking, and other stuff)
   If you're a hacker in the modern sense, go with BackTrack.

Linux OS Version that matter for a programmer
  1. Ubuntu
  2. Fedora
  3. CrunchBang Linux (#!)
  4. Haiku OS
Novel and amazing Linux OS Version
1.      gentoo (I like the most)
2.      slackware

Best linux Distribution (version)
1.      Best for Desktop        –  Ubuntu, Fedora, opensuse
2.      Best for laptop           –  Opensuse
3.      Best for enterprise     –  Suse linux (SLED), Redhat, Centos
4.      Best live CD              –  Knoppix
5.      Best for Security        –  Selinux, Backtrack
6.      Best for Multimedia   –  Ubuntu studio
7.      Best enterprise server – RHEL, Suse linux (SLES)