There are approximately 180 irregular verbs. You don't need to learn all of them because some of these are very rare but many others are very useful and you do need to know them.
All new verbs in English are regular.
• I photocopied the report.
• She faxed it to me.
• They emailed everybody about it.
• I googled my name and got more than 20 000 responses.
To remember irregular verbs; classify the irregular verbs into 4 categories.
1. All forms the same (A-A-A)
cost cost cost
let let let
put put put
cut cut cut
2. The second and third forms are the same (A-B-B)
have had had
pay paid paid
say said said
3. One change (A-B-A)
show showed show
come came come
become became become
4. Unclassified; All different (A-B-C)
beat beat beaten
eat ate eaten
blow blew blown
sing sang sung
wake woke woken
One useful method is to note down new irregular verbs as you meet them. It is useful to write these verbs (or any vocabulary you want to learn) in sentences and learn those rather than the individual word. Which is easier to learn?
• stick stuck stuck
• I stuck the photo into my album.
All new verbs in English are regular.
• I photocopied the report.
• She faxed it to me.
• They emailed everybody about it.
• I googled my name and got more than 20 000 responses.
To remember irregular verbs; classify the irregular verbs into 4 categories.
1. All forms the same (A-A-A)
cost cost cost
let let let
put put put
cut cut cut
2. The second and third forms are the same (A-B-B)
have had had
pay paid paid
say said said
3. One change (A-B-A)
show showed show
come came come
become became become
4. Unclassified; All different (A-B-C)
beat beat beaten
eat ate eaten
blow blew blown
sing sang sung
wake woke woken
do did done
be was/were been
go went gone / been
be was/were been
go went gone / been
One useful method is to note down new irregular verbs as you meet them. It is useful to write these verbs (or any vocabulary you want to learn) in sentences and learn those rather than the individual word. Which is easier to learn?
• stick stuck stuck
• I stuck the photo into my album.