Saturday, July 30, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Basic Linux command for beginner
File Commands:
1. ls -– directory listing (to see the content of folder)
2. ls -al -– formatted listing with hidden files
3. cd dir -– change directory to dir
4. cd -– change to home
5. pwd -– show current directory
6. mkdir dir -– create a directory dir
7. rm file -– delete file
8. rm -r dir -– delete directory dir
9. rm -f dir -– force remove file
10. rm -rf dir -– force remove directory dir
11. cp file1 file2 -– copy file1 to file2
12. cp -r dir1 dir2 -– copy dir1 to dir2; create dir2 if it doesn't exist
13. mv file1 file2 –- rename or move file1 to file2
if file2 is an existing directory, moves file1 into directory file2
14. ln -s file link –- create symbolic link link to file
15. touch file –- create or update file
16. cat > file -– places standard input into file
17. more file –- output the contents of file
18. head file –- output the first 10 lines of file
19. tail file –- output the last 10 lines of file
20. tail -f file -– output the contents of file as it
1. grep pattern files -– search for pattern in files
2. grep -r pattern dir -– search recursively for pattern in dir
3. command | grep pattern -– search for pattern in the output of command
4. locate file –- find all instances of file
1. ping host –- ping host and output results
2. whois domain -– get who is information for domain
3. dig domain –- get DNS information for domain
4. dig -x host -– reverse lookup host
5. wget file –- download file
6. wget -c file -– continue a stopped download
1. ctrl+c –- halt the current command
2. ctrl+z –- stops the current command ,resume with fg in the foreground or bg
in the background.
3. ctrl+d –- logout of current session, similar to exit
4. ctrl+w –- erases one word in the current line
5. ctrl+u –- erases the whole line
6. ctrl+r –- type to bring up a recent command
7. !! –- repeats the last command
8. exit –- log out of current session
1. ps –- display your currently active processes
2. top -– display all running processes
3. killpid -– kill process id pid
4. killall proc -– kill all processes named proc (use with extreme caution)
5. bg –- lists stopped or background jobs; resume a stopped job in the background
6. fg –- brings the most recent job to foreground
7. fg n -– brings job n to the foreground
1. date -– show the current date and time
2. cal –- show this month's calendar
3. uptime –- show current uptime
4. w –- display who is online
5. whoami -– who you are logged in as
6. finger user -– display information about user
7. uname -a –- show kernel information
8. cat /proc/cpuinfo –- cpu information
9. cat /proc/meminfo -– memory information
10. man command -– show the manual for command
11. df –- show disk usage
12. du –- show directory space usage
13. free -– show memory and swap usage
14. whereis app -– show possible location of app
15. which app –- show which app will bw run by default.
1. tar cf file.tar files –- create a tar named file.tar containing files
2. tar xf file.tar –- extract the files from file.tar
3. tar czf file.tar.gz files -– create a tar with Gzip compression
4. tar xzf file.tar.gz –- extract a tar using Gzip
5. tar cjf file.tar.bz2 –- create a tar with Bzip2
6. gzip file –- compresses file and renames it to file.gz
7. gzip -d file.gz –- decompresses file.gz back to file.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Qt is a cross-platform application framework that is widely used for developing application software with a graphical user interface (in which cases Qt is classified as a widget toolkit), and also used for developing non-GUI programs such as command-line tools and consoles for servers. Qt is most notably used in Autodesk Maya, Google Earth, KDE, Adobe Photoshop Elements, OPIE, Skype, VLC media player,VirtualBox, and Mathematica and by the European Space Agency, Siemens, Volvo, Walt Disney Animation Studios, Samsung, Philips, and Panasonic.
It is currently produced by Nokia's Qt Development Frameworks division, which came into being after Nokia's acquisition of the Norwegian company Trolltech, the original producer of Qt.
Qt uses standard C++ but makes extensive use of a special code generator (called the Meta Object Compiler, or moc) together with several macros to enrich the language. Qt can also be used in several other programming languages via language bindings. It runs on the major desktop platforms and some of the mobile platforms. It has extensive internationalization support. Non-GUI features include SQL database access, XML parsing, thread management, network support, and a unified cross-platform API for file handling.
Distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (among others), Qt is free and open source software. All editions support a wide range of compilers, including the GCC C++ compiler and the Visual Studio suite.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Linux OS Version That Matter For Hackers
- Backtrack linux
- network security toolkit
- knoppix-STD
- pentoo
- Auditor linux
- Phlak (professional hackers linux Assault kit)
- operator
- Matriux linux
- helix linux
- F.I.R.E linux
- nubuntu
- DEFT (Digital Evidence and Forensic toolkit)
- Whax
- linspire
- Extra-knoppix
- L.A.S linux
Auditor and Backtrack are mainly for Wireless hacking,
Phlak for general web hacking (server hacking, and other stuff)
Phlak for general web hacking (server hacking, and other stuff)
If you're a hacker in the modern sense, go with BackTrack.
Linux OS Version that matter for a programmer
Novel and amazing Linux OS Version
1. gentoo (I like the most)
2. slackware
Best linux Distribution (version)
1. Best for Desktop – Ubuntu, Fedora, opensuse
2. Best for laptop – Opensuse
3. Best for enterprise – Suse linux (SLED), Redhat, Centos
4. Best live CD – Knoppix
5. Best for Security – Selinux, Backtrack
6. Best for Multimedia – Ubuntu studio
7. Best enterprise server – RHEL, Suse linux (SLES)
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Epaper - read online, save money and TREES
- Hindustan Times (HT; Both English and Hindi, registration required)
- Times of india (TOI; Registration not required)
- Dainik Bhasker (Registration not required)
- mint
- Business standard (Both English and Hindi)
- The Financial Express
- Dainik Bhasker Hindi Business newspaper
- Amar ujala
- Mail Today (simple registration required for downloading the paper as PDF)
Some of these are required registration. Register yourself ; all are absolutely free.
- MBA aspirant must The Hindu news site
Monday, July 11, 2011
Create Resume easily and free online
You don’t have to deal with any Word Editor like thing but whole process is like going through Wizard or filling up Profile information on Social Network.
After filling up all details, select CV template and download it in PDF format. Easy, isn’t it? Even the motto of this site says "Creating a Curriculum Vitae online should be as easy as reading it".
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Sunday, July 10, 2011
Books for MBA Entrance (CAT/JMET)
1. ‘Quantitative Aptitude for CAT’ by Nishit Sinha (Pearson publications)
2. ‘Quantum CAT’ by Sarvesh Kumar Verma (Arihant publication)
3. ‘Quantitative Aptitude for MBA Entrance Examinations’ by Abhijit Guha (TATA-McGraw Hill publications).
2. ‘Quantum CAT’ by Sarvesh Kumar Verma (Arihant publication)
3. ‘Quantitative Aptitude for MBA Entrance Examinations’ by Abhijit Guha (TATA-McGraw Hill publications).
6. study material of IMS learning (get from new sadak)
7. 'English Grammar & composition' by wren & Martin (for download click here)
8. 'Word power made easy' by norman lewis
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Most polpular programming languages
Tiobe is a popular site for ranking programming languages. Tiobe bases its rankings on world-wide availability of skilled engineers, courses and third party vendors. Rankings are not about the best programming language or the language in which most lines of code have been written. Tiobe uses Google, MSN and Yahoo! search engines to measure the Web “chatter” and hence the popularity of each programming language.
1 | 18.580% | |
2 | 16.278% | |
3 | 9.830% | |
4 | 6.844% | |
5 | 6.602% | |
6 | 4.727% | |
7 | 4.437% | |
8 | 3.899% | |
9 | 2.312% | |
10 | 2.039% |
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Documentries you should Watch
- Inside job
- Steve Rambam Privacy is dead - get over it
- Google. behind the scenes of the biggest information collection worldwide
- This is how our money system works
- History of linux
- Dangerous knowledge
- The slow poisioning of India
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Ingredient of linux
1. C/C++ programming tools
2. Unix command-line utilities
3. Perl, Tcl, and python (scripting language are widely used on linux)
4. Web server software (Apache)
5. Mozilla (firefox web browser)
6. The X window system (foundation of all the linux graphical user interface tools)
7. KDE/GNOME (GNU Object Model Environment)
8. Office application (open office, koffice, word perfect office suite)
9. peer-to-peer communication
10. Data Base (Mysql, PhP, Perl DBI, PostgreSql)
11. Mail server and list Manager (sendmail, qmail, exim, postfix)
12. Security (network analysis, Firewalls, Encryption Tools, remote Access)
13. Samba (samba allow the linux system to act as a file and print server on a windows network)
14. Protocols, Standards, and data formats (IEEE, openldap)
15. XML and HTML
16. Java
17. TCP/IP and the DNS
18. Kernel and device drivers
Saturday, July 2, 2011
what is INODE in linux
1. Inode is a data structure on a traditional unix-style file system such as UFS. An inode stores all the information about a regular file, directory, and file system expect its data and name.
2. A file system relies on data structures that contain information about files, beside the file content. The former is called metadata (data which describe data).
3. Each file is associated with an inode, which is identified by an integer number, often referred to as i-number or i-node.
4. Inodes store information about files and folders, such as ownership, access mode (read, write, execute permission) and filetype.
5. A file inode No. can be found using the " ls -i " (for inode no. of file).
2. A file system relies on data structures that contain information about files, beside the file content. The former is called metadata (data which describe data).
3. Each file is associated with an inode, which is identified by an integer number, often referred to as i-number or i-node.
4. Inodes store information about files and folders, such as ownership, access mode (read, write, execute permission) and filetype.
5. A file inode No. can be found using the " ls -i " (for inode no. of file).
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