The transfer of large files from one computer to another is often difficult due to size restrictions of the means of transfer. For example, some email services often limit attachment size, or an external device like a USB drive or CD-RW may not be large enough to contain the entire file. So, File Splitters are used to split large files in small sizes for transfer.

File Splitter Lite is a very small, lightweight, fast and portable tool to split any file in small size. This free program splits file according to number of parts (files) you want or the size of each file. Just Browse the file you want to split and select the output Folder to start splitting large file into small parts.
You can then easily transfer these small file segments to other Computer via USB Drive or CD. The splitted files have to be rejoined to make it working or executable. File Splitter Lite comes with Self Joining Batch Script (.bat) which on executed joins the split files in seconds. So, to join files, you don’t have to carry the program on other system as it comes with self joining script. Creating Script is optional as you can use the program itself to join those files again.
Download File Splitter Lite (262 KB)